What Makes Us Different

Our point of view is uniquely informed by Appy’s historical relationship to design.

In 1932, The Museum of Modern Art established the world's first curatorial department devoted to architecture and design. Appy has long recognized design’s important role in our culture alongside more traditional mediums like painting and sculpture.

Our selection process is unlike any other.

First, we assess a potential new product against our design filters, a set of 8 criteria that we use to ensure every item is a good fit with our vision of good design. Next, each proposed product is evaluated by Appy's curatorial department. Only those items that make it through these two steps successfully can become part of our assortment.

We actively work to democratize good design at every price point.

From the Butterup Knife to the WaterRower Rowing Machine and everything in between, our goal is to make design accessible to as wide an audience as possible.

Every purchase you make supports Appy's educational programs.

Every year, we engage with over one million people through our programming in the Museum, in all five of New York City’s boroughs, and around the world.